The IBFC collaborates a range of professional organisations, some of whom are listed below:

The South African Screen Federation
SASFED is a federation body with member organisations making up the independent film and TV Sector of South Africa across the value chain. Visit website »

National Film and Video Foundation (NFVF)
The National Film and Video Foundation (NFVF) is an agency of the Department of Arts and Culture that was created to ensure the equitable growth of South Africa’s film and video industry. Visit website »

Department of Trade Industry and Competition (DTIC)
The DTI´s mission is to promote structural transformation, towards a dynamic industrial and globally competitive economy; provide a predictable, competitive, equitable and socially responsible environment, conducive to investment, trade and enterprise development; broaden participation in the economy to strengthen economic development; and continually improve the skills and capabilities of the to effectively deliver on its mandate and respond to the needs of South Africa’s economic citizens. Visit website »

KwaZulu Natal Film Commission
The KwaZulu-Natal Film Commission was established in accordance with a provincial Act passed in 2010.. Visit website »

Gauteng Film Commission
The Gauteng Film Commission (GFC) develops, promotes and coordinates the film and television production industry in South Africa’s wealthiest province. Visit website »

Wesgro Film and Media
Wesgro Film and Media assist with production in the province, including regulation guidance and finding co-production parties. Visit website »

Independent Producer’s Organisation (IPO)
The Independent Producers Organisation (IPO) is a representative, national organisation of independent South African film, television and video producers constituted to represent, protect and promote the interests and needs of producers. Visit website »

DFA – The Documentary Filmmakers Association of SA
DFA was established to nurture and develop the interests of documentary filmmakers in South Africa. Visit website >>

SWIFT – Sisters Working In Film and Television
SWIFT stands for Sisters Working in Film and Television is a South African based NPO for women in film & TV. Visit website>>

Durban Film Mart
Durban FilmMart Institute is the business hub of the African Film industry in a world where African film Industry professionals and products are globally competitive and celebrated.

SAGA – South African Guild of Actors
SAGA was established to regulate relations between actors and film/television/theatre/radio producers, to perform and protect interests of its members. Visit website>>

WGSA – Writers’ Guild of South Africa
The Writers’ Guild of South Africa (WGSA) was established with the sole purpose of protecting, empowering and developing performance writers in the local film, television, radio, stage, animation and new media (internet – mobile and digital distribution, and gaming) industries. Visit website>>